From obscurity to Astartes 2. I have no words.

Highly likely, all 2nd Co. Veteran Marines feature in Astartes footage, so far.

Since 1997 I have maintained this site, waxing and waning through two decades – always deeply enamoured with these star warrior underdogs.

Not going to lie, the finale of the last Scythes of the Emperor book dimmed my spirit as the Originals had been killed off in a Dirty Dozen affair. Valiant, transitional, literary chapter closing. I have done some modelling since then, but mainly insured the website remain online as a resource.

So I hear Astartes 2 got a trailer and I’m watching – then HOLY WhatIN thE Actual !?! Sothans, smashing Tyranids – fighting hard – striding with capes; their armor matching the carefully researched guides on this website – cementing their accuracy.

Veteran markings – were also a sign of the Post-Fall of Sotha unified One Company.

27 years – and I get to see Scythes of the Emperor space marines in live action battle. Glorious. Utterly, unabashedly, Glorious.

For Sotha!

About Sebastian

Site owner and creator, Sebastian Stuart has been updating and maintaining the Scythes of the Emperor webpage since 1997. He is canonised as 'ForgeMaster Sebastion' by Richard Williams and LJ Goulding in the Scythes of the Emperor novels by Black Library.