Leadplague’s Scythes of the Emperor
The following is an abridged version of his own Scythes of the Emperor articles found here.
JB: Just so that I’m honest with you, I’ve only come late to Space Hulk. My real first was actually when I played at my friend Sho3box’s.
Now the game really pressed my buttons and I really liked the self contained nature of the project. Of course, like most sane people, I’ve wanted to have a 3D space hulk but I guess that could be arranged pretty easily with modern kits now. I’ve also realised many of my friends were into it so making my own force to have the opportunity to play it every now and then could be fun.
Now of course, the first question that will arise to any person about to paint space marines is : “what chapter/colour scheme ?”.
It’s a valid question. Well for some reason the scythes of the emperor (and not the emperor’s scythes) have always held a special place in my heart, perhaps not because of their colours but more because of the doomed chapter thing and because like often, they were served by iconic artwork :
I also had to select the models, now this was much easier, I’m a Jes Goodwin fan so I could only paint his terminators and I had to paint his first and not the round shouldered ones obviously ! I quickly tried to determine what number of terminators I needed and which equipment to get and Oh surprise ! The answer was basically the content of the RTB09 !
I also knew 30/32mm bases are the best compromise for old terminators and I immediately knew my 32 Necromunda bases were just what I needed to fully set the scene.
Then we have the Morituri’s ^^
Of course this is what I’m realling looking forward to :
Good thing my buddy NIco is taking care of the terrain for our coming game but I’d be quite keen to play some hive infestation actually!
JB was last seen salivating over classic scouts and potential Sothans from 2nd Edition era also.. more soon perhaps?
Again, thank you JB for your permission to repost!
– Sebastian
Looking back on this, the first thing that came to my mind on the last thing was “Get on the ground, Scythes of the Emperor squad! We have a warrant for your death!”
Haha – sad I missed this comment initially!