This is site dedicated to the Scythes of the Emperor Space Marine Chapter for Warhammer 40K. Online since 1997, curated by Sebastian Stuart, site owner, promoting Scythes’ Collectors Worldwide.
History of the Scythes
The Scythes Reading Guide
Scythes Artwork
Good work on the history, very interesting.
Also good to see that you update the site and the new design is pretty cool.
Best regards a Scythes of the emperor fan :)
Hi Daniel,
Thanks, Andrew was superb in chasing down the source material. He has great access to GW literature at home and through friend in GW. I put together the artwork, proof read while we discussed some content choices, then finished by producing the PDF based on his solid research. It was a great collaboration. :)
I certainly feel we finally put the history of the Scythes right and in context for all collectors out there.
– Seb
Cool artwork you have collected there, but I was wondering where you found that banner, if you remember xD
Hi Daniel,
Hmmm.. think I grabbed that from Advanced Space Crusade, art amongst the rule sections. Veritable goldmine those early boardgames.
– Seb :)
Just wanted to say what a great site this is, I’ve been a S.O.T.E. fan since Advanced Space Crusade! I have recently got back into 40k and I am about to embark on a scythes battle group, but there are many different examples of how to paint the armour. Is there a set scheme or should I give myself room to flex some style?
Stu :)
Hi Stu,
The classical GW Scythes scheme is what Andrew has adopted for his “Heart of Sotha” project. I’m actually updating the painting scheme graphics for the site, I’ll send those to you privately. Thanks for dropping by! :)
Oh and, do send in some of your work, I’ll add them to the Showcase section which I intend to fill with Scythe enthusiasts from all over :)
– Sebastian
Will go with the ‘Heart…’ look to begin with, just to keep things simple! I would also like to say that this battle group is intensely scout heavy and only light attack vehicles being used as I wish to be as close to the fluff as possible. I guess ultimately I would like to augment (when nessecary) the chapter with 2000/3000 points of Imperial Guard for a good three days of table top ‘Nid splatting!!!
Cheers for reply, have put this site in my favourites list. Keep up the fantastic work!
Stu :D
Great :D Look forward to the first models! I sorted out those comment repeated posts for you ;)
Been bits buying for some scouts projects myself too, the Land Speeder storm sprues are great for Scout converting. :D
heh…Scout Sergeant Servius…lulz
This guy is just too cool
Hi Sebastian!!!!!!
First congratulations on your Golden in Uk ª ª ª ª
I have the pleasure to work and consider a very good friend Jon and his army of Scythe is great !!!!!!
I also I have Scythes, in the old format to paint, as were my inspiration.
With Jon’ve talked a lot about you, to see if one day I have the pleasure to meet you and to chat with you.
Nice to meet you
PD: Sorry for my English … is very bad … hahahhaha
Hi Raul :)
Thanks for saying hello, send my regards to Jon! The Golden was for Andrew (I host some of his miniatures on the website) I will pass on your congratulations. I am working hard this year to get myself to Europe as soon as possible! :D
Send me any photos you have if your own Scythes, I am making an article on Scythes Players from around the world, love to have yours too. :)
That bike looks great, the details on the drivers face and skin tone look brilliant. Go Scythes!
Hi Seb.
Thanks for publishing these photos, it’s a real pleasure to see my Dreadnoughts on your page :)
I hope Raúl can send you some pictures of his Scythes, they look quite a lot like your own ones, he is a very good painter.
i’ve sent you some photos recently of a 5000 point Apocalypse battle in which my Scythes and my Templars took on my friend Davids Tyranids. It was an awesome experience. I hope you can use the pictures!
All the very best
Jon Hart
That’s a really nice Terminator Andrew! Will set to work on some of my own and send Seb some pictures.
Thanks for posting these up!!! I’ll send you some more soon….
No problem at all, great Scythes force, really need to get stuck into finishing my scouts! :D
I love these! You’ve been a big inspiration with my own Scythes army. I can’t wait to see these guys further along!
Thanks! Hoping to get some time this week to put paint to plastic :)
I would like to add the ribboned shoulder cloth, but ultimately I feel the Scythes have few Scouts left since that period. So presently it is all modern gear (plus some fun retro items) and carapace boots for sloshing about Tyrannic hulks.
This is a fantastic site and you are an amazing painter. Could you tell me how you painted the black armor on the Deathwatch marine? I would love to have my Pre-Heresey Dark Angels look that good.
Happy Bir…er, Site Day? Maybe? Ah, well. Regardless, it’s a gorgeous website showcasing absolutely top-notch hobby and background work. Glad to see you’ve stuck with it and done so well.
Thank you Michael, Lexington :)
With Andrew and Jon’s Scythes on the site among my own, makes me pick up my game painting wise let me tell you!
My thanks to the visitors and friends who have always stopped by and either emailed me (when it was “mailto” links only), or lefts comments in this modern blogging era today. It keeps me encouraged and I hope to offer cool imagery for years to come.
Congratulations from Tokyo, Japan ^^
Congrats Sebastian!
Quick question. You’ve posted several photos of your Scythes from the past, but it’s not very clear how much of your collection has remained intact over the years. So I’m curious, how large is your current contingent of Scythes?
Hi Ray, thanks for the support! (No doubt spied your lads in the gallery!)
I unfortunately, prior to a major move, had to sell about 3/4 of the collection. Presently I have all my favourite characters and a tactical squad of marines.
I’m now rebuilding with an eye for a truescale force that is geared to player “Killzone” addon. So look out for more Scythes hobby posts in the weeks ahead! :D
– Seb.
Hell yeah!
Well I’m glad you were able to hold on to the models with the most sentimental value. No doubt the nostalgia of your old collection has driven your latest projects. I’ll stay tuned for updates!
Wow! Just awesome mate, loving those carapace boots, perfect for stamping on Rippers!
Cheers Jon :)
Should be getting stuck into finishing these lads this week. Finally scored the spare time! haha
Hi Sebastian,
I have loved the SOE since Advanced Space Crusade. Since finding the Scythes website, you have inspired me with your work and factual history and I’m pleased to find some of my guys shown in the birthday celebrations.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Nick,
Thanks man, really appreciate the feedback and glad you approve of seeing some of your lads running amok on the site :D
If you have anymore images since, please do send them in so I can add them to the Gallery! ;)
Send me a direct email to my personal account so I can send you some photos of my scythes! I havent got the cammera out in a while so they are old images but I may see what new images I can sort out soon. I have a couple of images from Warhammer world (my stag do) a scythe scout kill team mision photo or two and my scout speeder conversion made 3 years pre land speeder storm.
Will do, be great to add them to the International Gallery!
Just thought I’d drop a note to say how brilliant I think this site is. Its a real inspiration, keep up the good work. I’ve started to collect a Tyranid Swarm based around the tendril of Hive Fleet Kraken which attacked Miral. Being essentially characterless Tyranids are always defined by their enemies. The Scythes make for the perfect adversary IMO. Who are of course in turn a chapter almost entirely defined by their clashes with the Tyranids. Compelling stuff!
Thanks! I shall pass on the regards to Andrew about Gaius, and again, it’s great to see folks enjoying the site. I’ll be posting up more Scythes in the near future; finally scored myself a dedicated hobby space huzzah! :)
Love the conversion! Are those biker arms, and bolter hands?
I believe they are, with the hands changed.
Job well done guys. Been painting Scythes for a couple years but just found this site, looking forward to any updates.
Thanks Chris, glad you enjoyed our collaborative efforts. Apparently Andrew’s Scythes are in the latest edition of Warhammer 40k rules, which is some seriously good news and kudos to his work.
I’ve been looking on the net trying to find a nice looking quad attack bike idea and i keep coming back to yours!! do you have any plans to do a tutorial or list of materials for how you achieved such a stunning model? if you don’t could I personally ask for a list of stuff used and how you achieved the quad look to the bike?
Just finished reading this and loved it. Any chance of more scythes material? Maybe space marine battles novel on the fall of Sotha? One question about this though, why is the Heart of Sotha renamed Heart of Cronus?
Apologies for such a delayed response. I believe that was the prerogative of the author. That and the Heart of Sotha was created by Andrew for his own personal collection. :)
Hey, what is that bolter piece from?
Hi Jon, apologies for the delayed reply. When you say piece, which are you referring too?
I’ve just spent a couple of hours browsing this site and it’s awesome! I love the dedication you are showing to the Scythes. Your background work and the extensive pictures collection paints a vivid impression of those Astartes.
Special mention to the piece of fluff above: it is excellent and I really like the last couple of lines – Fighting alongside his brothers indeed!
Many thanks Jean-Philippe, glad you enjoyed your visit! It has been a great effort over time as my interest in the hobby waxed and waned each year. I hope to complete another project this year, however new business and new city has kept me busy :)
Thank you for stopping by!
Fantastic work guys. Scythes of the Emperor have always been my favourite SM chapter; due in no small part to the excellent artwork and gameplay of the first GW product I ever owned – Advanced Space Crusade. I was wondering in all your research have you been able to shed any light on the origins of the Chapter? I have read other indirect sources citing the Scythes as a successor chapter to the Ultramarines (thus descended from Roboute Guilliman?) although this does not feel right to me.
Hi Dale,
Thanks! It was fun publishing the research that Andrew put together at GWHQ. As far as we can surmise, the closest tie in is the Ultramarines. Locale, interaction and the recent fiction wherein the Ultramarines debrief survivors and take on their suggestions. (Very circumstantial) That said, not exactly the worst chapter to be affiliated too.
Thanks for your questions and checking out the site, I’ll be updating recent work on my new Scouts (based on Adv. Space Crusade actually), should be a couple of days :) – Sebastian.
Look forward to seeing more. I’m a big fan of your site and it inspired me to paint my space hulk marines as SotE rather than my usual IFs. Keep it up!
Thanks Richard, just completed the initial colours on all the pieces. New post shortly :)
They’re all bald! You seem to have quite the collection of old models. Will these guys be getting painted to have close cropped hair?
Hey hey :D
All bald because they’ll be shaven initiates – the Sergeant however has a crew cut. I’ve been collecting marines as the Scythes since 1997, so there’s a few old models :D
Thanks for dropping in!
Does anybody know why the Terminators are almost full Yellow in that single full colour pic?
It’s crucial to me because i want to paint some Scythes Termies and i’m confused.
Hi, that piece of art was a test piece for the game ‘Space Crusade’. It did not get used by GW – I think your best bet is to either take inspiration from GW’s direction or Andrews work under the section ‘The Heart of Sotha’ showcase. :)
Thanks for dropping by! – Seb
I’m confused on the timing here. This document says that Sgt Remas was part of the first fight against Hive Fleet Kraken, but his testimony is then used in the formation of the Tyrannic War Veterans, some 200 years earlier?
My reading of this (just from the 40k wikia) is that the Scythes were actively involved in the First Tyranid War against hive fleet Behemoth, and in the founding of the Tyrannic War Veterans.
This might just be poor GW editing and consistency, though?
Its a fair point; we or more so, Andrew, encountered a lot of these issues when reviewing information he was able to find with help from GW friends. The more recent Tyrannic War Veterans (last year I believe) info tends to lessen the Scythes contribution even further.
Its been a year now, how have things been going?
Hi Richard, well after some 15000 nautical miles – I’ve been back in Auckland for the last fortnight. Been settling in and basically organising myself. I’ve shipped my gear from Australia to here, should be about a month before I get back into some hobby goodness :D
Awesome can’t what for your return!!!!
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Well damn man! You have always been an inspiration. I hope to see more of your creations in the future!
Thanks Robert! Soon for sure, moving into the new house and hobby desk is itching to be set up ;)
I haven’t been in here in so long, I never knew you used my own pics! Great job again and good luck with the future!!
Certainly did, though after a database crash, lost the credits – I’ll update them based on your website photos :D
Great to hear of your return! I’ve been reading every bit of fluff you created and I love it. The Tenax as it’s crew are probably my favourite part of this awesome website.
Welcome back!
Good to see you back! Look forward to seeing what you come up with
Thanks Rich, enjoying modelling retro style scouts to add to the squad so far.
More soon! :)
I’ve got my popcorn ready. I’ll be watching this!
Chuckle, well.. a further wave of critters arrived in the mail.. our favourite scouts will be knee deep in trouble soon enough ;)
For Sotha! ;-)
Other stories you might like to check out:
‘A Safe and Shadowed Place’
‘The Blood of Sotha’
I can neither confirm nor deny that any new Scythes stories are imminent.
Totally bizarre errie timing.. I’m currently writing a post discussing each story and merits of background -right-this-moment. I had missed “Heloth” & “A Safe and Shadowed Place” thanks Laurie!
(‘Reclamation’ is a story pretty much STARRING Sebastion…)
Contacted BL to confirm if in the repackaged digital, or alternate source purchase. The things you miss when sailing intercontinental yachts. :D
This was a highlight when collaborating with Richard, and then I hear about ‘Reclamation’ – my thanks to you sir! :)
That is great news for the Scythes! Thank you for the list of Scythes material, I did not know about most of those. In fact, I can’t find Reclamation anywhere, can you help me get a hold of this story?
It was published in a physical edition print; so finding an eBook on Black Library has been a dead end. I’m scouring eBay presently. Also, checkout the new Scythes Essential Reading Guide page (Link now above) – every book source and Sothan content in Black Library books.
Can’t wait… You’ll have lots of fans waiting to see what comes of these guys
Hi man :D
Looking forward to getting back into it; and now I find myself in great company – so many Scythes players :)
Hadn’t looked at this site in the longest time… Seems I missed quite a bit.
Great to see the scout roster expand!
And the idea for a Necromunda-esque skirmish force is good one!
Hey! Modhail :) Thanks – about to add another update in the next day; fun times ahead :D
Aww, my favorite edition as well. I liked that it was rather detailed and smaller scale instead of the mass battle game it has become. (With all the super heavies and apocalypse battles nowadays it’s starting to look like Epic in 28mm…)
Necromunda and 2nd edition mesh quite nicely (hence the whole =I=Munda phenomenon), being essentially the same ruleset with one focussed on squads and the other on individuals. To make things super easy, ten Necromunda credits equals one 40K 2nd ed. army building point.
Glad I’m not alone! :D
Oooh thanks for the tip Credits/Pts – I think you’re going to love what I’m getting up too ;)
Soon.. very soon.
Brilliant article. Hadn’t grasped the significance of the horseman to the scythes and really enjoyed the read. Thanks.
Thanks Rich, it may be overthinking – but I do love understanding reasons for artistic choices, being a graphic designer myself. :)
Seeing your track record for awesome, I can’t wait!
Dude, too kind – I was talking Horus Heresy FW books with a couple of folks and there is a lot of ideas similar to my campaign. :)
I’ve never really looked at the FW Horus Heresy books. (I wouldn’t be able to afford the buy-in in miniatures on top of all other projects, so why torment myself with the books?)
You’re only making me more curious you know! Both about the heresy books, and your plans…
I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
nom nom nom
‘More popcorn please!’
nom nom nom
I am really digging the stealthy assault scout, excuser me, Pathfinder!
The sniper’s pose is another great idea. Like he is bracing against a stone.
Yay, more Scythes goodness! (Pass the the popcorn please. :P)
Adding that cowl to the cloak is a great idea, I may have to steal that for a true-scale scout. Really liking the armoured greaves as well.
Just noticed on the art you use as background, in the lower left,just left of the main blog column and facing off against the genestealer is a scout sergeant/officer with fairly elaborate heraldry on his shoulder pad. Are you planning to do something similar on your scout sergeant?
Close; might not use the checker though :)
Looking great! A very characterful unit.
I particularly like the armoured greaves on the scouts and the facepaint.
That sarge looks like a harsh teacher for the scouts.
Thanks Modhail, I’m sure you’re going to like the next squad :) And yes, that Sargeant is a hard ass – no one is as valiant as his Sothan brothers were; and his standards – well, they’ll bring him into conflict with his fellows soon enough.
Wow, just wow. I’ve always admired your neat painting style, Tael.
(I’m currently trying to shake the rust off my 40K painting skills as well… It’s a different beast than fantasy.)
Thanks man! :) It has been tough, but fun, to do some very careful clean line work. I use Tau Sept Ochre (watered down) in two thin layers with VERY careful black corrections. Thankfully Tau Sept Ochre has a lot of pigment, so it remains a controllable paint even thinned down.
Probably should do a run down on how I do my icons.
Having recently completed a lot of Lord of the Rings models, these 40k models are ogres by comparison. :D
Looking good, Seb.
I’ve recently been considering painting up my old school RT era collection as Scythes, and was digging up the proofs for those old decals.
However, I’m torn between them, and some of the other more esoteric chapters from the Badab War, like the Astral Tigers or the Mantis Warriors. Basically, I want them to be iconic and old school, but not something I’m already doing. And not blue. I have too many blue armies…
Hi Nick! :D
Those first decals were a great gift for my birthday; still have two original sheets left!
Kinda liking the Mantis Warriors – seriously old school; I’ve seen Astral Claws done a few times but not the Tigers; so that could be an option too.
Yeah… perhaps nothing blue ;)
That came out very fine! Could’ve easily been mistaken for a decal
Thank you Robert, particularly given your many freehand Scythe logos of black on yellow! Not an easy clean up if errors are made. Major respect my Sothan Brother! :)
Um, sorry to break your faith in me, those are decals I use… I have enough problems drawing a straight line
Hah! Really? Smartly applied sir! :D All good, wiser choice now that like a mad man, I’m doing my by hand :D
Looking good. Have you got the artwork for the other side so we can see?
Cheers :) Actually nothing chosen as yet, took me a couple of hours to put the detail side together – just seeing if folks would be interested before I go the whole measure :)
Great to see you back in action!!!! Your work has been a source of inspiration to my Imperial Fists.
Thank you Emperor Bill :) I was torn between Scythes and Imperial Fists back in the day; mostly due to Space Crusade. But then I played Advanced Space Crusade and well… ;)
Brilliant! Love it! I can hardly wait to see what you’ll do with this.
Cheers Modhail, basically a 2D version of your hulk board scenery :D Interesting trick will be making a game that is tense, but won’t wipe out what few Scythes I have! Haha.
These look really nice, Seb. You going to make them available for download when finished?
Thank Nick :) Download? OF course :D Just filling out the collection.
Excellent piece of background Sebastian! This will be an awesome base upon wich you can plan and modelled your Tenax Survivors. I love the sense of dread and desparation that conflicts with the Scythes’ sense of duty or their desire to kill as much of the Xenos filth as possible.
Keep it up, for Sotha!
Thank you :) Certainly a base and a start for sure, there is a lot more to come as I finish each chapter of the novella in prelude to games. :)
Very cool scouts. I’m not that found of the retro boots, but I get why you include them.
The sergeant is looking great! I particularly like the chittin plate he used as replacement for his shoulder pad. As for the scar, I think you should try to get a bump in the middle (you know, were the two part of the cut sealed) if there isn’t one already (using GS). Then, paint the edges and the bump a lighter colour while using red and purple glazes in the recesses and around the scar – this should create a sense of “irritated” flesh we usually associate with scars.
Keep it up!
Cheers for that :) I can understand about the retro boots, I believe once I lay down some base scenery it will reduce their obviousness further. As for the Sergeant? I’ve been looking up painting scars on the web this past week; thanks for the tips! :) NO doubt you’ll see the results when I finish the squad ;)
An interesting read, thank you.
Nice to see so much thought and love going into an army/project, I can really appreciate that.
Thanks Modhail, it was a bit of history research to ensure fiction stood its ground in storied believability :)
Great! Can’t wait to see what you do with the Scythes nemesis.
Such a shame you’re half the planet away, I’d gladly roll some dice with you. :(
Thanks man, should be interesting painting up some Tyranids for a change! haha. Yeah, would be fun – particularly running a Quest campaign! ;D
Oh, goodie! An Inquisitorial retinue popping up “for no reason”. As if… ;)
Looking forward to seeing more.
It’s nice to see you picking up steam again.
Forgot to say: I really like the conversion, the base figure I a great find!
Thanks man :) Bit of a weapon swap so far – just couldnt bring myself to chop that very cool faceplate :) More adventurous modelling shortly. Indeed, one heck of a lucky find!
Sigh, the End Times… I still mourn the passing of proud, noble Brettonia.
Congratulations and happy Scytheday! :)
I hope you can nab some hybrids and continue your project, I’d love to see more of it.
I’m still undecided about buying it as well, but at the very least it has me inspired to dig out my own Genestealer Cult project as well.
Thank you Sir! It is a quiet one this year, but by next year should be plenty going on in the lead up to my next birthday. So much stuff collected, plenty to paint! :D
Sorry it took 4 years but here is the source for the inspiration picture:
Sorry it took 4 years but here is the source for the inspiration picture:
Thanks you sir, worth the wait :)
Have you read the new black library book pharos? Really enlightening about the origins of the scythes and bloody good read.
Currently reading, and I agree; good book so far. I’ll be adding it to the Library soon for reference points on the Scythes. Thanks for the heads up regardless! :)
Loved your article on the horseman a while ago so thought you would dig pharos; I don’t want to spoil it but my fav bit was the idea that the actions of the novel were what drew the nids to macragge and sotha in the first place
Thank you on the article, appreciate that :) I enjoy looking into reasons for creative choices and not to worry on the spoilers! :)
Yeah! The Scythes resurgent! :D
For the scout with autocannon, you might want to look to the plastic Sentinel Autocannon. I’ve used it on my Genestealer Hybrid (for the 1st ed. Space Hulk blip list) and it works nicely as a man portable weapon. Now I just need to source a second one for the other hybrids on the blip list.
I have in fact done so, its actually larger?! However, I did happen to have a Death Korp Autocannon, which is very slender and has the right kind of functional build to be appreciated. It’s me Bren Gun’ – Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels movie.
Very cool. I’ve wondered recently with the re done space marine kits why gw haven’t gone all out on a scout kit. So many possibilities for commando style units. Your conversions showcase how cool scouts can be.
Thanks Richard :) The Scouts certainy have the opportunity to be made anew with all sorts of gear for their recon role. Perhaps GW shall at some stage – for now, we can all indulge in some personalising of the Scythes to our desires :D
Just seen this – rest assured, whenever *I* say “falx”, I mean falx…
…although we do also have guys with power scythes as well, but I’ve tried to keep them as ceremonial weapons in the fiction.
In unrelated news, ‘Slaughter at Giant’s Coffin’ and the collection ‘Scythes of the Emperor’ are both due out next year. Watch out for plenty of (hopefully) accurate falx use. ;-)
Haha good man, I am not surprised. :)
I would agree, I’ve felt the Scythe would be ceremonial, building on origin lore. Seems truly fitting.
Unrelated news he says.. just walk in here and blow our minds then drop the mic’ eh? Thats great news, really look forward to it!
And indeed, let there be accurate falx usage ;)
Thanks for swinging by Laurie!
I am reading slaughter at giants coffin now and building a scythes force!
I looked at this artcile to see the difference of a falx to a scythe after seeing it written down.
Is the forgemaster named after a certain someone?
Top stuff! And thank you, glad to know it helps – like an artist, first understand anatomy – then draw your fantastical creatures – wanted to help players know the difference and then go crazy applying the idea :)
And yes, Forgemaster Sebastion was created by Richard Williams and Laurie has kept him into the ongoing stories, I’m really touched both had kept the character :)
Hi Sebastian, I just wanted to drop by and say hello.
I hadn’t come across this site until Laurie mentioned it when we were chatting, but he talked about it with such genuine enthusiasm that I wanted to make sure I included it in the interview.
I hope it came across in the interview just how involved Laurie is with this story arc – I’ve got a really good feeling about the novel!
Anyway, keep up the good work and I’m glad you enjoyed the interview :)
Hi Michael,
Thank you for swinging by the site, thoroughly enjoyed the interview. Looking forward to publication day also :)
Always good getting Laurie’s input and occaisional fiction alerts/teases on the site :D
Brilliant! More Scythes! I love the pose and character of them both. I like how brother Gideon has a pose that reads as both rock-solid and active.
How hid you achieve their enlargement? I think you raised them at the waist, but it seems there is also more subtle trickery involved?
Hey man :D
Indeed sir! About time too! You pretty much summed up what I wanted with Gideon. He’s the right hand man of Xaver, the defacto leader of this desperate band of survivors.
Enlargement wise, bang on – waist has been elevated for a deeper belt line. I also used an insert between front and back of torso to deepen that. In addition I have added spaces to the upper hips.
Subtle, but it adds up. I may refine it further as the models tend to pinch at the torso.
Main thing is, I get to use all the plastics without modding everything :D
Good point! While I like the look of terminator based true scaling, it does mean missing out on sooo many very cool bits…
Ah, so that was what I was seeing, that front to back insert. Now that you mention it, their collars are obviously a lot roomier than stock torsos.
I get what you mean about the pinched torso, a couple of years I tried a similar conversion, and he looked positively serpentine, despite my bulking out his hips. The gear hides it nicely.
Indeed, have to do some very fine GS work around the gap there, fiddly urgh. haha.
“Hides it Nicely” – exactly, which allows me to load them up with ammo and grenades, shy of being Banditos with crossed bandoliers of bolter rounds :D
I’ve learned from these models, next will be even tidier about the waist and hip modification :)
Hey SJ! This piece of art also struck a chord with me and I’ve been looking for a suitable model to convert. So happy I found this here on your site!
No problem my man :) The Statuesque range is very well scuplted. :)
I have this page as something sacred since i always wanted to paint Scythes (and using a similar alternative paint scheme like yours ;)). Also, i´m planning on sculpting someday the (What i consider) Chapter Banner and this artwork is really useful.
Just one thing, Picture 15 is from an Ultramarine (Ventris in one codex, Ultramarines in another…). You can see the simbols on his armour. We´re family but still not the same thing ;)
Thank you! And good catch! Cheers for that :) Do get in touch when your project is underway – be great to feature it :)
I’ve got some more models on the way this month as I prep my Tenax force for games.
Hey Sebastian, any tips on how to convert up your brilliant Rogue Trader scouts?
I’ve got a few units of scouts planned for my (Very!) slow grow scythes project and have very luckily come into some older rogue trader Scouts thanks to inheriting some old modeling guff. I would LOVE to take a crack at converting them up as you have done, but I really don’t want to trash my models hacking at their knees and making a bodge job of it!
Any help you could provide on how you combined the two kits so seamlessly would be invaluable.
Hi SlowPainter :)
Will do, I’ll email you some work in progress models so you can see the cuts and shaping I do to make the kitbashing as simple as possible. There is minimal Greenstuff work, mostly for gaps and a little tidying up. :)
I’ll send them through tonight.
– Sebastian.
Hey Sebastian,
Im going to start collecting Scythes with the new Primaris Marines, and these transfers look amazing. Will you be releasing these for everyone to use or selling them at all?
Because I need them in my life!
Hi Joe :)
Thanks for stopping by the site! As for the transfers, I am working with a friend using a special type of printer to ensure the yellow covers over black just right. There are some online hobby companies that offer a printing service but it is very expensive for NZD vs USD costs.
Depending on how many I need to run for the first printing, I may have more than I need, so I will post about that offer. Additionally, I will upload the Transfer Sheet template for everyone to get printed locally themselves, once I am very sure the decals work for my Sothan Brothers out there ;)
Hey Sebastian,
I live in the UK and I know a few companies that can print transfers and such out for people who have designs. I mean if you were to publish the design page that is what I would do, I would of course pay for all the effort you made to make the designs.
Hi Joseph, I’ve got a printer producing the test batch – we shall see if I’ve solved the yellow over black issue for our Sothan Brothers! ;)
Hi Sebastian,
same here – I`m going to paint my Primaris Marines as Scythes, and that transfer sheet would really come in handy! Would be great if I could buy one or two of those from you.
Cheers will do Alex! I just mentioned to Joseph, test batch is being printed and I’ll be checking if we have solved Yellow over black, a notorious decal issue :)
Also, they will be available for download for free – plus, details on the best method to get them printed. As all decal printers use the same inks, the ink choice and preparation is what will make the difference for our Scythes! :D
Great! Oh, and this may be a spoiler, but the Scythes are apparently mentioned in the Dark Millennium novel, as a chapter rebuilt with Primaris Marines and tasked with protecting part of the realm of Ultramar…
Hi Modhail! :D Really? Well that is good news for the Chapter, Finally.. haha. I’ll be playing themed games in the century beforehand still though – when things were really bleak ;)
Heh, I understand… Likewise my Griffons will remain in the Badab War era.
The new box set, and what I’ve seen of the rules, does look tempting though. ;)
I do admire the new minis, but the rules will likely be the first thing I buy. So much to do as it is with Knights and Marines :D
I caved and ordered the box…. ;)
I’m currently reading the book and it is certainly worth the purchase. It feels like there is more thought put into presentation (the whole box has that, by the way), and I like the little stylistical nods to Rogue Trader here and there. I haven’t reached the rules section yet, so I can’t comment on those at this point. But so far, so good.
Really? Top stuff. Congrats man :) Definitely respect your opinion in review. I love the box design, speaks to my DTP and FMCG packaging days. Any mention of my Brothers, shout!
A nice review, and a promising future for the Sons of Sotha!
I agree with your assessment, its a good read and a good primer for the Dark Millennium.
Thanks, trying to avoid real spoilers. But the whole novel is full of this old vs new clashes. The war and chaos fight seems backdrop to these issues. And indeed, very promising future. All the more reason to showcase a campaign when they were not so well patronised by Ultramar! :)
Wow, that looks excellent!
And I like the idea of each marine getting a personal biography and history.
I’m looking forward to reading all their stories as they develop.
Cheers man! Its a small undertaking, and I hope folks get invested in the characters over the course of the campaign :) Look forward to your feedback over time! :D
Wow Sebastian, these are some really nice photo manipulations.
I Can’t wait to see these matched with their models for your campaign in the future.
Thank you! I think I may make some bald versions for the Scouts, then as their hair grows out (if theyre alive) I’ll switch to the scruffy look then ;)
I am currently working at making my primaris marines Scythes of the Emperor.
Any idea how closely they follow the ultramarine squad/leadership markings?
There is mention of yellow knee pad with a black skull to denote veteran status on Lexicanum … The rest is pretty ultramarine but visually doesn’t sound all that appealing.
Maybe I should look to Imperial Fists for inspiration to denote important folks.
Red helms for sergeants could work but I’m not sure white would, maybe a more bone like off white?
Hi Slave2Chaos :)
Great to hear of some Scythes reinforcements! The Scythes are highly likely to follow Ultramarine markings – they operate in Eastern Ultramar, fourth tetra under an Ultramarine Tetrarch, Decimus Felix (Latest 2017 background lore). Protecting the Sotharan League and Shield Worlds. The knee+skull was in one of LJ Goulding’s books, being our patron in GW, I’d say thats canon. Red helms would work well, such as Brother Sargeant Maximillian [LINK]. I do like the idea of a Bone white, it will harmonise very well with Yellow. That would be my choice too.
I believe I shall make a markings articles as you are one of several new Scythe Brothers curious to know! :)
Thank you for stopping by.
Any updates on these?
I really like the new style of logo and would love to replace my iffy hand painted ones :)
Hi Spardin, I’ve got a couple of tweaks to do according to my printer – shall release them this week for you to use however you please! :D
That looks great! I will defenitely give this a shot.
Brilliant :D Thanks for swinging by the site! :) Also, send in photos if you do, it would be great to showcase your results!
Sure will, though it might take me a while to do so so due to lack of painting time.
By the way, think you could bring an article about modelling the Scythes? I mean especially the use of Tyranid bitz. As trophies and as makeshift armor repairs; where to apply them to a marine miniature? How much is too much? Which bitz are especially useful?
It would make an interesting read, because it is one of the main aspects that makes the Scythes so unique.
Top stuff, look forward to adding your Sothan’s to the showcase section :)
As for modelling articles, its funny you ask as this is something I will produce alongside the Tenax Campaign project. As my personal collection goes through hades during their survival run.
Thank you for encouraging me to hurry the article though! :D
Well, maybe this can be helpful:
See, I`ve been dabbling with said subject before, and I`m pleased with the result. But I guess Scythes would take a very different approach to presenting trophies than Dark Angels – more feral and improvised, maybe more like Space Wolves?
Thanks Alex! Shall add that to my forthcoming modelling artilce. The Scythes Post-Sotha. And I feel you’re right – it will be more Space Wolf. Thank you though. May I use this in the article?
So this got me all motivated to get started on my scythe primaris marines.
Started undercoating and ended up with a real grainy finish, apparently due to humidity. So now I have to wait for their solvent bath and try again …
The struggle is real.
Argh, humidity is a git. My commiserations. And indeed, our struggle is real Brother! See you and your Primarii at the front lines soon! (No, seriously, scoot me some photos! :D)
Finished (mostly) a primaris captain on that painting challenge and tagged you via twitter.
Not sure if there is a better way to get you pictures.
Aye got him and sent him into the painting competition too! :) I’ll add him and the other entries into a Scythes Competition Gallery to be hosted here. :)
Top stuff :D
Hey Sebastian, new to 40k and the Scythes will be my first army, I just wanted to ask if you know how that power falx was made, it looks amazing!
Not Alpharius eh..? (Eyes you suspciously…) ;) Hi and thanks for visiting :D – The Falx.. yup, knew I should have prepared a How To Guide the moment I finished making it! :D Right – basics are: SM Power Axe (or similarly hafted power weapon, plenty of choice), then carefully add a inwardly curved blade (mine: Skaven Halberd, 6th Edition Warhammer). The Power Node was a thin .25mm metal wire leading to a 1mm plastic rod cutting – making the node. The latter is very tricky to position, patience required.
I have been downloading photos of parts to create a big article on Scythes modelling – examples of Falx blades from GW sources will be in there :) Stay tuned next couple of days.
Thanks mate, I’ll definitely be equipping some of my Alph..*cough*..Scythes marines with those, can’t wait for the tutorial!
I’ve just started painting my new Primaris marines as Scythes, just wondering if Sergeants, Lieutenant and Ancients helmets would follow the ultramarine examples in the Primaris book?
I get could paint them however but I’d prefer another couple of opinions.
Hi Trent, the Primaris present a host of new options – I really should obtain the new codex for them. I believe they will follow the Ultramarines again, given that they operate the eastern line of Ultramar and fight under Decimus Felix, an Ultramarine Primaris Tetrarch governing from Vestpastor. It wouldn’t make much military sense to stray from the Ultramarine way and Codex given the new integrated Chapter “Legions” Primarch Guilliman is using.
This heraldry guide was created for the previoud era of Space Marines. once I have a look at the Primaris book, I’ll write a Primaris article to cover these and other Scythes quirks that perhaps, our Primaris recruits will be new too :)
Also, please keep in touch, it would be great to add your marines to the Worldwide Gallery! :)
Thanks for the reply, I thought that they would follow the Ultramarines, it’s good to get another opinion. Cheers.
Just picked up the Deathguard Deathshroud scythes from forgeworld for my captains. Once some squads are ready for the table top I send some photo of ’em your way.
Theyre a successor to the Ultramarines, so very likely to follow codex organisation, couple quirks being Company colour placement and veterans having a yellow knee with black skull icon. Top stuff, those FW Scythes weapons are great, they will be in an article for modelling Scythes marines with all their peculiar weapons and themes I am putting together.
Look forward to the new Primaris Scythes, thank you!
Awesome update mate, that is amazingly useful. Thanks heaps.
Just a quick final question any ideas if any of the current transfer sheets have a black skulls that i could use for knees on my veterans? i had a quick look around and could only find some on the imperial knight kit.
Thanks Trent! And y’know, thats bloody useful feedback right there! I’ll work on scaling black skulls right now! Brilliant catch man. :)
This site is amazing Sebastian, I keep coming back to it and finding new interesting tidbits. I chose this chapter because of the links to Pharos when reading the heresy novels, now as I paint up my 4th company scythes, these articles help bring to life what I am painting. I don’t think any other lesser chapter gets this attention, so thankyou.
Hi Pete, thank you very much. So glad to help and add to the Lore of your collection :) Please keep in touch so I can add your marines to the WorldWide gallery and showcases! Should be interesting seeing the 4th Co’s Green Aquila for contrast with most folks 2nd Co. (Or knee marking only versions)
FYI I am working on Company Banner Artwork for every Company – in discussion with LJ Goulding.
Will do!
I am doing both the chest and knee markings.
I look forward to those banners!
Oh, is there a facebook group or something for scythe players to talk scythe lists and share photos?
Oh nice! Look forward to seeing the results :D Please send me photos for the WorldWide Gallery!
Banners are underway, I’ve settled on the horses (of the God’s) for each. It has been quite a study in Greek Mythology!
As for facebook, no not really. The Scythes have seen explosive interest in the last month. Prior to that there were a dozen players I knew of that occaisionally posted something. At this stage I’ve started to set up the-scythes.com as a nexus – if I spy something, it appears here, instagram and twitter – all in one place.
I’m not on Facebook as The Scytehs, in essence it is doubling work of my website in a manner ;)
First and foremost awesome job! I would also like to know when they are ready to be printed. Been wanting to do Scythes of the Emperor every since the Space Marine game came out for the 360.
Thank you! I’m finalising them today. Yeah, that Space Marine game really captured SM for me too :)
Shame its not a hardback this time round, but still, it looks to be a very very handy bit of essential reading for any scythe fan!
Certainly is, gathers a lot of the textural pieces into one place which adds backstory and ongoing fiction to characters we follow. One story, Reclamation, was only available in a limited special issue release. Took me ages to track a copy down! :D
@ Trent: There are 4 small black skulls on the decal sheet that comes with the Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus kits. Perfect size for Space Marine knees!
Oh brilliant tip, thank you Alex!
Is that Daedalus in written format instead of as an audio drama?
Hey man! :D
Indeed it does, its there, listed second from the bottom. ;)
Thanks for dropping in!
Whoah, that is super useful! Thanks for that!
Great :D No problem, youre welcome :)
Chapter Master question. In the masacre at giants coffin was the iron helm of the warden of sotha lost?
If so what would chapter master Thracia don? Would he go helmless as penace for losing sotha or would he have another helm made to look like it?
This is a point of contention for me too after Slaughter at Giants Coffin. The Iron Helm was a Chapter Relic and whilst I get the idea that leaving it behind was accepting the fate that Sotha is gone and so too the need for a Warden, I do feel it’s loss is acute with regard to Chapter Flavour.
At this stage, I am unsure, I’ve seen no indication from Laurie J Goulding with regard a new helm in his official fiction (potentially in the upcoming novel). My only take away is, if you do not like that story – keep the Helm for your own collection, as a hobby detail in a project, its great. :)
I was gutted in the novel when it was burnt, as soon as I read that I thought about making a chapter master w/ an iron warriors skull helm.
I potentially will make Thracia anyway just with an iron painted helm. Its a nice piece of lore to add in. The heresy typhus model will be my starting point for this.
I was also gutted for exactly the same reason – What?! I technically can’t use that now!? :( – regardless, as you say – we will hahah :D
Is the aquila on the 2ed company of the Scythes of the Emperor gold like the Ultramarines or yellow like there armor? Also does anyone know why some Scythes of the Emperor army’s/Chaplains have red guns instead of black guns? Is it a contrast thing or does it have some kind of meaning behind it. I can’t find anything online about it. Thanks for making this website it is really useful.
Most art and painted examples by GW Have been Yellow Aquila (like the torso armor). The Red/Black Boltgun issue is notable, my belief is GW in keeping the Ultramarine ties and the “Codex Astartes” uniformity, used the classic Red casings predominantly. I feel this is more a personal choice than canonical, and agree Black would be better suited for Chaplains :)
No trouble David, I’ve had the site going since 1997, so anything that’s popped up about the Scythes – I’ve made a point to host it here :) Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for the information. Also I usually don’t see the power pack on the Scythes of the Emperor. Does there power pack use the same silver bits/pattern on the vents and exhaust as the Ultramarines power pack? I am also not sure what color I should paint the cloaks on the Primaris Captains? What color do the Scythes of the Emperor use for cloaks? Thanks for the help.
Hi David :) You’re welcome. I’ve generally kept to painting silver parts like vent rims and and exhaust vents with metal. The actual armor components being the yellow plate colour. You are right though that there has never been rearward facing art. I would err on the Ultramarine side of uniform accessories, as they are closely related and especially more so now that Roboute has declared them wardens of the eastern borders as part of a Greater Ultramar. So on that note, going onto the Cloaks, I would follow the Ultramarines – which I believe is red, a colour the Sothans have used in their own heraldry a few times already. Whilst black might seem the best choice, artisitcally it would really make for a less dynamic finish as opposed to Imperial Red bouncing off the Black and Yellow of Scythes armor.
Lastly, please send in your painted models, I have a global Scythes Gallery I like adding everyone’s Scythes too :) Thanks!
For the cloaks on my marines I have gone with company colours as to tie in the Aquila colour. It seems to work quite well.
Thats actually a great idea, thanks for that :)
OK I will as soon as I get a chance.
This can be difficult, but have you tried reprinting the over the top of your yellow?
Also, let me know and I can ship them to you from US company to save you $$
Aye it has been – I’ve printed the yellow over the white base print successfully, but do you mean to reprint again the yellow over top of the.. yellow? :)
What color do the Scythes Of The Emperor use for there power cables? Like the ones around there ankles and under some of there triceps. Any suggestions?
Hi David,
My go-to is the Ultramarine uniform palette, given their close association (Red, green and occaisionally yellow black striped industrial style). However in effort to maintain creativity, a colour you feel suits and contrasts nicely with Yellow and Black would be good personal choice. We’ve never had much in the way of official uniform details, the most notable it the Aquila chest eagle colouration per Company.
OK thanks for the help.
No trouble – scoot me photos so I can include you in the Scythes Worldwide Showcase! :)
Wow! Impressively neat painting! Such control…
And great to see your blogs picking up activity again, Seb!
I know right? Great juxtaposition with Robert’s evocative and visceral style! :) Thanks again man, busy couple of months! :D
I am not sure what color I should use for the aquila on the Space Marine Scouts? On the http://wh40k.lexicanum.com it says “10th Company: Nominally white, however the company colour is not displayed on their armour, because of their need to blend with their surroundings on reconnaissance missions.” What color do you guys paint the aquila on your Space Marine Scouts?
I have tended for classic bone (creating a “White” Aquila) – you could even go all yellow! :) Lexicanum is reasonably true, in that they have no actual “company” except the obvious Tenth (Scouts). Extrapolating from the fiction, it could be seen as a rite of passage for the newly inducted Marine to receive his new armor with Company coloured Aquila, when he graduates from the scouts Company.
Thanks for the help.
Hi Sebastian,
I am going to be doing some reivers. What do you think would be best suited to them?
As they are meant to be stealth/shock troops, would the yellow be used? or would they be full black? what are your thoughts?
And as for Company colour, the reivers do not have the chest aquila? would you just default to the knee?
Hi Pete :)
You could go full stealth black, that would be quite sinister – have you seen Dean’s Reivers?You can make your mind up based off his own classic scheme Reivers. I do kind of like the stealth approach though and your idea to default to the knee pad for markings is spot on for “codex” lore. :)
When you finish them, give me a shout – be great to add them too the community gallery!
Hello Sebastian,
I am still working on my Primaris Scythes Of The Emperor army. Also was not sure about the exact sergeants markings besides having the red helmets. I was reading on the Warhammer 40k wiki page on Space Marine sergeants and from what I read it basically said that Space Marine sergeants are usually veterans from the 1st company. So my question to you is would the Primaris sergeants of my 2ed or other company’s have the veteran left knee pad marking or is that marking just reserved for the 1st company? Like the Sternguard Veterans, Terminators, Dreadnoughts or even Command Squads and HQ models?
I would like to know what you think about this.
I would have sent you some pictures of my squad that I’m working on right know. They are almost finished. I made a custom order of the new style icon transfer sheets that is on the site. From one of the websites you recommended. Also I have emailed the company about why its been taking more than 9 weeks + to make them. He told me that he is really behind schedule. I don’t want to send you pictures of them until they are completely finished. At least one squad/unit at a time.
Also with the Veterans Yellow Knee pad and Black Skull. Would they wear a white helmet with the knee pad?
1st Co. Veterans would be White Chest Eagle, classically speaking, so the the Veteran kneepad based on recent (2016) GW artwork would be yellow with black skull. So yes, quite right. :)
Hi David,
Thank you for your patience, Christmas break has been a mighty busy one! And happy new year too :)
I would go with a veteran marking, so the Sargeant can have both his red helm and a notation of his veterancy. 9 weeks is quite a time for the decals, my only thinking is the Ink is rare so restocks and lining up print runs to maximise paper usage add to this time. Look forward to the result however! :)
As always, when you’re happy to send in photos! :D
Thanks for the information. I did’t mind waiting. I have been busy with Christmas break and New Years also.
I have got a question for you about the Veteran knee pad and was wondering what you guys think about it. If a Space Marine Sergeant Veteran with his red helmet white stripe down the top of it would he also wear the Veteran knee pad? Also all of the First Company would be all Veterans and have the Veteran knee pad would they also wear white helmets like the Ultra Marines First Company Or do they not do the white helmet? Are the white helmets replaced with the Veteran knee pad instead? What do you think about it?
By the letter of Ultramarine organisation – I’d say you’re right. However, aesthetically – it could remain black helms and have the kneee pads. Key issue is, the entire First Company is gone, so we have never had any canonical description of what the First look like?
If you wanted white helms, you could potentially do a bone white, to be a warmer white against the yellow. A cold white with blue might not work if you use grey in your black, but if you use a blue black? Likely to be more pleasing to the eye. (Colour theory wise).
Interesting points, I should explore these in an update! :D
OK thanks for your input. I will be looking forward to see what you find out in a update. If you do one.
This page has been an amazing resource for my growing Scythes force, I had to leave a comment and say thank you – this page is awesome!
Thank you! When you have some painted, send them my way for the Community Gallery! :)
Shall have some special updates soon too :)
Nice to know that Games Workshop is caring for us! We may be small, but the Scythes shall never die! For Sotha!
For Sotha Brother! An article discussing chapter traits is forthcoming :) Thanks for your comment!
I was wondering where the other art piece for the other headshots are? Image 23 has some of the headshots, but there are still some missing, so is there art that hasn’t been posted?
Hi Jonathan – I whittled them down for bandwidth, I’ll check my art files and package them up and send over :)
Beautiful! I’m starting a Scythe detachment today and found this page.
Thank you! And good to hear! For Sotha Brother! :)
Awesome tutorial, definitely doing this rather than 3d printed. I only just started painting Scythes today.
Thanks man; its really satisfying nailing down this emblem and man; I have not missed decals to be honest :)
With COVID-19 chuggin’ along, I’ve randomly been surfing old sites, and yours popped up and still exists Sebastian! Huzzah and Cheers!
Now 47, I had almost forgotten about Lord Duchek of Hydra (my Rogue Trader), and his illustrious, and now near forgotten battle brothers from Chapter Amabutho, the Chapter that was lead out of the furthest reaches of the Eastern Fringe; a Chapter founded from the remnants of Chapters’ Black Warriors and Celestial Panthers who were tasked to explore warp anomalies just outside the deepest known borders of the Eastern Fringe, and nearly wiped out as they bumped head on into the initial tendrils of Hive Fleet Behemoth.
250 years later, the Explorer Duchek finds and reintroduces, now Chapter Amabutho, to Imperial Space, and tests their loyalty against Hive Fleet Kraken…
Oh the heady days of your Campaign!
Good stuff!
Glad you are still around, and props to the Scythes being in 8th!
Wishing you the best!
Oh man – so good to hear from you :D Amabutho! God, memories man :)
Thank you; good times these days – Chapter has gotten a lot of exposure these last few years.
I just did and interview actually; latest post on the website. Basically cover origins to now :D
Hi Seb, had a blast listening to this, and for the shoutout.
Nick Itsou
After finishing reading this book, which was amazing, I began to scour the internet to see if anyone was talking about the elephant in the room. It seems like everyone has skipped over the fact that this book marks GWs first “cannon” purging of old space marines out of a chapter, with Primaris being the only ones left. To my knowledge they have left the wiggle room for everyone else to say “hey there are some old boys left” even when Primaris make up all new recruits (baring the new ultima founding chapters). This makes sure that you can comfortable still use some of your old minis in current narrative games. Now, with the sacrifice of the last of the old scythes they have become just another 100% Primaris chapter, leaving many Sothans old armies to collect dust on the shelves. Am I missing something or is this the case ☹?
Of course, the warp is a tricky place and a lost Strike Cruiser could pop out (my current head cannon to allow some old guard to take the field) but I am not happy about the official purging.
Aye, this is a quiet point and something too note. I have mixed feelings as I have following these darng marines since 1997 and even one is named after me, so that hit home a little close too :) I am with you though, the chance of some scattered survivors out there, fighting the good fight. :)
first two links not working,brother!
Thanks! Appreciate the heads up!
Finally got bored with painting ultramarines and looking for new paint scheme. Loved the Sotha story n giants coffin so have decided to start a small scythe army. Love the lore and really looking forward to my new army.
Oh man, thats great news – hit me up so I can add you guys to the Gallery :)
Looking back on this, the first thing that came to my mind on the last thing was “Get on the ground, Scythes of the Emperor squad! We have a warrant for your death!”
Haha – sad I missed this comment initially!
Hi there! I am really enjoying the website, and discovering the SotE has been awesome! Do you have any recommendations for finding the blade bits for the falx? I love the clanrat spear blades, but don’t really want to buy twenty clanrats to build a single weapon.
Hi and thank you! :) Besides what I go through in the article, such as Skaven, Dark Eldar Blades etc. there may be more in Age of Sigmar units now with a lot of new units being revealed since this article was published. Might have a browse myself too of new kits :)
I live in the us what company can I use for these decals
Hi Louis, apologies for the delayed reply – my comments system seems to have gone a bit haywire. There should be several companies that print decal available in the US – you’re aiming for a service that can print white, then yellow over top the pattern for a good colour. :)
Excellent photos as I am about to paint my first Scythes rhinos. Probably an obvious question, but what does the giant white arrow on the roof stand for? Apologies if this is blindingly obvious
Sorry for the massive delay in replying here Sean – seems my comment notification has been reset for a couple months. White arrows is “Tactical” matching the shoulder markings for such marines :)
I loved this book so much. Thracian and his bois have inspired me to start a collection.
Top stuff – look forward to hearing more on the collection! :)
Am about to paint new atv in scythe paint scheme, any tips on which parts should be yellow gratefully accepted
Hi Sean, hit up instagram hashtag #scythesoftheemperor – there are several variations you can check out from fellow Sothan Brothers on there :)
Now trying an impulsor
Nice man, hit me up with images when you’re done! :)
Just stumbled across your site – I have always thought the Scythes had a striking colour scheme, and I love your dedication to them! Interested to hear where the Tenax project goes :)
What is the best shoulder and decal to put on primaris models. Cheers I love these models after seeing Chris paint them now I really want to try them out myself!
What colour would the Aquila be on the “Battle Company”?
This website is a fantastic resource regarding the Scythes. If you see this, even in 2024 there are battle-brothers reading and using this website. Thanks for all your hard work!
Hi Dylan, been in stasis for a time – thank you – greatly appreciated. For Sotha!
Hey SJ! Hope all is well on your end. I was wondering if “Forgemaster Sebastian” was a nod to you. =)
Hi Christian – well enough, been in stasis hobby wise for a couple of years – RL commitments et al.
I see Astronomicon is rocking on healthily :)
And indeed, spoke with – well, email – and it was in the hand over notes from Laurie before he left GW, as Forgemaster Sebastion has been in a couple of shorts so far. Appreciate the new writer kept his word. For Sotha! chuckle.
Keep well, god bless man.
It’s been bloody fun to run in the colours. I’ve been using the 9th company scheme myself.
Hi Evan, brilliant to hear! Apologies for the long delayed reply! I fixed a notification API issue I found after my post today, and suddenly, a deluge of comments . Yikes!
For Sotha!
I’m hoping this gets seen, but what color/markings does a captain have?
Hi Jeremy, apologies for the long delayed reply! I fixed and API notification issue I found after my post today, and suddenly, a deluge of comments . Yikes!
Captains! Indeed. I found little direct Sothan visuals over time – mostly the laurel wreath and details of station – in general. Given their deep ties to Ultramar; I would not think it incorrect to follow an Ultramarine approach.
Very high chance Games Workshop will provide something canonical in Astartes 2, as the Scythes feature in the upcoming live action animation. :D
For Sotha!
So what color would the Aquila be on scouts?
Hi Joe, in general they tend to follow the Scout format of the Ultramarines (ie. Codex Astartes) – having not earned their Aquila per se and not officially part of any company other than the tenth, as a Scout squad.
Personally I go a bone treatment, to avoid Company confusion. Ultramarines use all white as it turns out, classically, though more modern painted examples head the gold route.
Aesthetically, bone hits a nice sweet spot – warm to sit well with the Sothan Yellow, but also pale contrast on the black and unique enough, not to associate with any Battle Company.
Not a straight answer, but with Scythes – until we literally have our own codex, its down to a bit of personal preference. For highest accuracy, I err toward Ultramarines (being our progenitors).