Scythes of the Emperor, Sothan Brothers, Jon Hart

Warhammer 40,000

Jon Hart was a colleague, gaming opponent and friend of mine in the UK when I worked at GW Southampton and afterward frequented the store whilst at University. Many years later we caught up over emails and he had since moved to work with GW Spain and presently is head of Sales Support for Games Workshop in Barcelona, painting Stormhosts (Angels of Blood) and Ork Pirates among many other great models. He has even scored Golden Demons with a Warhammer Regiment in 2012 and a Staff trophy with an Empire General. Back in the day, when this website was but 10yrs old, he had amassed a sizeable Scythes of the Emperor army.

You can see his more recent work at the GW Flickr Pool under Jonathan Hobby Hart (Since 2011)

Whilst Jon hasn’t been online in a major way showcasing his Sothan force, most mentions of his work being now in White Dwarf or Golden Demon, I have been more than happy to host it here and provide fellow Sothan Brothers some inspiration!

He too loved the embattled and tragic history of the Chapter and collected one of the larger forces I had seen until recently, definitely a pre-fall army. Over the years we have traded images and the following makes the bulk of his collection apparent:

Dreadnaught Heavy Hitters

A great opponent and full of hilarious anecdotes when we had Tuesday Curry Night’s out with the lads of GW Southampton, our Manager Bob, Joe Hill, Gary and myself. Best to you guys wherever you are today!

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team


About Sebastian

Site owner and creator, Sebastian Stuart has been updating and maintaining the Scythes of the Emperor webpage since 1997. He is canonised as 'ForgeMaster Sebastion' by Richard Williams and LJ Goulding in the Scythes of the Emperor novels by Black Library.