The first scouts of the new look force for The Scythes are almost done, mostly details, a couple of accessories, armor and some wear to be completed.
This group was a bit of a 180 degree, I had aimed for pistols and chainswords, then opted to create a tactical fire team to support my more creative assault versions.
These guys are setup to put their boots down and peforate any xenomorph that pops it’s gnarly head up.
Few nods to old school scouts in the jackboots (obviously), a mohawk and the classic warpaint across the eyes.
I’ve worked on two scars across the sargeant’s face – need to read up on folks techniques there – so as not to make it just two angry red lines.
More shortly as I prep these guys for the first mission, with short story.
Thanks guys!
Looking great! A very characterful unit.
I particularly like the armoured greaves on the scouts and the facepaint.
That sarge looks like a harsh teacher for the scouts.
Thanks Modhail, I’m sure you’re going to like the next squad :) And yes, that Sargeant is a hard ass – no one is as valiant as his Sothan brothers were; and his standards – well, they’ll bring him into conflict with his fellows soon enough.
Very cool scouts. I’m not that found of the retro boots, but I get why you include them.
The sergeant is looking great! I particularly like the chittin plate he used as replacement for his shoulder pad. As for the scar, I think you should try to get a bump in the middle (you know, were the two part of the cut sealed) if there isn’t one already (using GS). Then, paint the edges and the bump a lighter colour while using red and purple glazes in the recesses and around the scar – this should create a sense of “irritated” flesh we usually associate with scars.
Keep it up!
Cheers for that :) I can understand about the retro boots, I believe once I lay down some base scenery it will reduce their obviousness further. As for the Sergeant? I’ve been looking up painting scars on the web this past week; thanks for the tips! :) NO doubt you’ll see the results when I finish the squad ;)
Hey Sebastian, any tips on how to convert up your brilliant Rogue Trader scouts?
I’ve got a few units of scouts planned for my (Very!) slow grow scythes project and have very luckily come into some older rogue trader Scouts thanks to inheriting some old modeling guff. I would LOVE to take a crack at converting them up as you have done, but I really don’t want to trash my models hacking at their knees and making a bodge job of it!
Any help you could provide on how you combined the two kits so seamlessly would be invaluable.
Hi SlowPainter :)
Will do, I’ll email you some work in progress models so you can see the cuts and shaping I do to make the kitbashing as simple as possible. There is minimal Greenstuff work, mostly for gaps and a little tidying up. :)
I’ll send them through tonight.
– Sebastian.