The Scythes, Goulding Demon Gallery

July 10th 2017 the Scythes of the Emperor painting competition was announced on Twitter by Laurie Goulding, with a signed copy of his book, “Slaughter at Giant’s Coffin” and a named character in the next book as awards for newly painted Scythes Marines. This gallery will be updated with further entry photo angles, as they are sent in. Also check out the growing one-shot showcase, Scythes of the Emperor Collector’s Gallery.

The response was quick from the Scythes community, with several new models and even Primaris marines rallying to his banner. The Gallery below, in random order, showcases all the entrants:

Warhammer 40,000

Best Entry – Captain Gais Sarantos by Bennett Hobson (Selected by Laurie J Goulding) – Wins Signed copy of “Slaughter at Giants Coffin”!

The Scythes of the Emperor

Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

It was great to see so many Scythes appear, for in ten years, I’ve barely seen ten new Scythes players. 2017 has been a great year for this small faction of Space Marines. Thanks all!


About Sebastian

Site owner and creator, Sebastian Stuart has been updating and maintaining the Scythes of the Emperor webpage since 1997. He is canonised as 'ForgeMaster Sebastion' by Richard Williams and LJ Goulding in the Scythes of the Emperor novels by Black Library.