During my research into Scythes of the Emperor art and heraldry I discovered this great piece of line art showcasing a MK5 armored Sothan.
It took me awhile to find the parts to match this Scythes of the Emperor veteran, even sourcing a skull piece for the hilt of an uncommon chainsword part!
The left arm alone is a separate shoulder, arm, bracer and glove (part of a unique chainsword) which then had another chainsword’s hilt added to it – yeah, I’m nuts for the details.
The power fist is tougher, I’m not sure I am game to make skull knuckles just yet, but thank it is something that can be addressed later.
The main armor is a combination of Mk5 Heresy legs and a current Mk5 torso (plastic), backpack is from the Iron Hands Deathwatch character.
However as I really like models that can stand on their own I’ve modified the pose again and I think, he looks better for it!
At this point, this Scythes of the Emperor marine is 85% done.
More soon when painted up! ;)
Thanks for reading,
Just stumbled across your site – I have always thought the Scythes had a striking colour scheme, and I love your dedication to them! Interested to hear where the Tenax project goes :)