Heart Archive

  • At the claws of Hive Fleet Kraken the Scythes lost many battle brothers accross the chapter, with little over 100 marines surviving the ordeal. Many highly decorated squads were completely […]

    Brother Gaius

    At the claws of Hive Fleet Kraken the Scythes lost many battle brothers accross the chapter, with little over 100 marines surviving the ordeal. Many highly decorated squads were completely […]

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  • Quick update and great news! The Scythes of the Emperor Quad Attack bike with Enoch and Faustus won a Silver Demon this year (2011) at the Games Workshop Golden Demon […]

    The Scythes win Silver! Enoch & Faustus place second.

    Quick update and great news! The Scythes of the Emperor Quad Attack bike with Enoch and Faustus won a Silver Demon this year (2011) at the Games Workshop Golden Demon […]

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  • Ortez, along with most of his squad mates, was on the Heart of Sotha Scythes battle barge patrolling the Damocles Gulf borders with the Tau when Hive Fleet Kraken struck, […]

    Brother Ortez

    Ortez, along with most of his squad mates, was on the Heart of Sotha Scythes battle barge patrolling the Damocles Gulf borders with the Tau when Hive Fleet Kraken struck, […]

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  • Tobias was involved in possibly the first boarding action by the Scythes against Hive Fleet Kraken. The boarding party had no idea what they were about to face… The nightmarish […]

    Brother Tobias

    Tobias was involved in possibly the first boarding action by the Scythes against Hive Fleet Kraken. The boarding party had no idea what they were about to face… The nightmarish […]

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  • Even before the coming of Hive Fleet Kraken, Brother Servius was widely regarded for his fine marksmanship skills and unnerving accuracy as a Scythes marine. In the aftermath of the […]

    Brother Servius

    Even before the coming of Hive Fleet Kraken, Brother Servius was widely regarded for his fine marksmanship skills and unnerving accuracy as a Scythes marine. In the aftermath of the […]

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  • Representing a mix of hope and sadness for the Scythes. Robertus has just recently been promoted to full battle brother after completing his full training within the scout company. He […]

    Brother Robertus

    Representing a mix of hope and sadness for the Scythes. Robertus has just recently been promoted to full battle brother after completing his full training within the scout company. He […]

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  • Phrixus was hit by a psychic blast and fell unconscious during one of the early boarding actions by the Scythes against hive fleet Kraken. He remembers little of what happened […]

    Codicer Phrixus

    Phrixus was hit by a psychic blast and fell unconscious during one of the early boarding actions by the Scythes against hive fleet Kraken. He remembers little of what happened […]

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  • An old and grizzled veteran, Maximillian has taken part in many of Scythes most desperate engagements against the Tyranid threat. He currently commands squad 2 of the remaining battle company […]

    Brother Maximillian

    An old and grizzled veteran, Maximillian has taken part in many of Scythes most desperate engagements against the Tyranid threat. He currently commands squad 2 of the remaining battle company […]

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  • The Scythes of the Emperor came across Jorden on sentinel station 426 in the Devlan system. The station was infested by genestealers and was awash with gore and the signs […]

    Neophyte Jorden

    The Scythes of the Emperor came across Jorden on sentinel station 426 in the Devlan system. The station was infested by genestealers and was awash with gore and the signs […]

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