This is site dedicated to the Scythes of the Emperor Space Marine Chapter for Warhammer 40K. Online since 1997, curated by Sebastian Stuart, site owner, promoting Scythes’ Collectors Worldwide.
History of the Scythes
The Scythes Reading Guide
Scythes Artwork
history Archive
The Scythes, the Horse Banner is named.
Posted on November 11, 2015 | No CommentsThe Scythes of the Emperor have just had an interesting tid bit about the Chapter, put forward by Black Library’s L.J Goulding; The horse motif is known as Conabos. In […] -
The Scythes of the Emperor, The Horseman
Posted on September 10, 2015 | 3 CommentsOne thing that has always intrigued me is, The Horseman. Why was this a motif of the Scythes? Odd that in a world of Wolf riding Space Marines, an Astartes […] -
The Scythes of the Emperor, New Artwork
Posted on July 15, 2015 | No CommentsDuring my time away sailing and in general new work the Scythes of the Emperor have been granted new artwork. Is there a possibility of some time in the Emperor’s […] -
The Scythes Website : 14yrs old today.
Posted on March 1, 2012 | 16 CommentsToday, 2nd of March, the Scythes of the Emperor website has turned 14yrs old. For over a decade I have modelled the Scythes in one form or another; going […] -
Scythes of the Emperor Librarians
Posted on February 22, 2012 | 2 CommentsThe following is a collection of each Scythes of the Emperor Librarians I have had over the years. From humble hand waving through to power glaives before they became fashionable, […] -
Scythes Marines from the past
Posted on February 20, 2012 | No CommentsA Salvation team has returned! Every now and then you have a win. Finding images of Scythes marines from the past would be one of those times. Whilst retrieving some […] -
The Scythes, 1998 – 2008
Posted on April 17, 2011 | No CommentsA gathered collection of the Scythes over the last few years, prior to my collecting the Tau and more recently, working on Truescale variations of these characters : The Scythes […] -
A Factual History of the Scythes of the Emperor
Posted on April 13, 2011 | 1 CommentAfter a few snatched moments of spare time over two months, we have both served our penance for the odd historical inaccuracies that have persisted among Scythes of the Emperor […]